The 30th Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics is scheduled for June 18-20! We’re currently in the midst of planning and will share more details soon – please mark your calendars!
Our distinguished keynote speakers include:
– Maximillian Auffhammer from UC Berkeley (
– Charlie Kolstad from Stanford/UC Santa Barbara (
– Christa Brunnschweiler from NTNU (
Additionally, on June 17th, the afternoon before the main conference, Eric Naevdal from HVL Business School, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, will be offering a short course on ”Simple numerical recipes for solving optimal control problems”. This course will be valuable for researchers in dynamic resource economics or anyone utilizing optimal control analysis.
Submit your abstract before 2024-04-05 (Abstract submission Ulvön 2024).
The cost for the conference is €500, €300 for presenting PhD students (includes food, lodging and transportation between Umeå and the conference venue)
Registration for the conference will open shortly.