The 29th edition of the Ulvön Environmental Economics Conference took place the days just before Midsummer at the beautiful island of Ulvön. ~30 participants enjoyed beautiful weather and the academic discourse was at highest level.
The keynote speakers Linda Nostbakken (NHH), Laura Taylor (GIT) and Erwin Bulte (WUR) all did an excellent job presenting their current research. Presentations exhibited an impressive quality and level.
One of the highlights of the conference (photo Hanna Lindström) is the tasting of the fermented herring. We were all thrilled to hear the story about the “surströmming” and how it has been an integral part of the island’s history. The tasting is always an appreciated event. Many are shocked that the rotten fish taste quite good with the right fixings!
We are now looking forward to the anniversary 30th edition of the conference next year!
See the photoalbum from Ulvön 2023 on our facebook page.
Here is the conference program – Program Ulvön 23