Professor Moriah Bostian (Dr. Robert B. Pamplin Jr. Professor of Economics and Chair of Economics at Lewis & Clark College) visited CERE during five weeks in May/June 2023. She is a long-term friend of CERE and visits regularly.
During her visit she worked on a FORTE-project with Lundgren and his group (including dr Vesterberg and dr Lindström) on the industrial labor demand implications of the green transition. Dr Bostian is also serving as deputy supervisor to SLU ph d candidate Shuyi Wang, who works on trade-offs between boreal forest ecosystem services. Further, she is involved in a project analyzing productivity and efficiency in African spice production together with dr Lundgren and CERE’s deputy director Göran Bostedt. Other activities included an excursion to a SLU forest test site (chequered harvesting) outside Umeå, and an OECD meeting in Paris on measuring agricultural total factor productivity accounting for environmental and climate factors.
Visit Moriah’s home department home page: