For the second time CERE co-arranged its winter workshop with the environmental economics group at Luleå University of Technology (LTU).…

Författare: Monika Malmros (page 2)
Ulvön 2024
The 30th Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics is scheduled for June 18-20! We’re currently in the midst of planning and…
Funding from Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS):
We are thrilled that Hanna Lindström and Göran Bostedt, CERE, have received funding from the Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS) for…
Machine learning for Causal Inference –Course taught at CERE by Katya Vasilaky and Eduardo Zambrano of Cal Poly
From September 11th to 15th, 2023, Associate Professor Katya Vasilaky and Professor Eduardo Zambrano –both at Orfalea College of Businesst,…
The Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics 2023: report and pics
The 29th edition of the Ulvön Environmental Economics Conference took place the days just before Midsummer at the beautiful island…
Is Sweden barrelling towards the next steel crisis
The Swedish initiative for green steel is commendable from a climate perspective but risks becoming a significant loss venture. To…
Assistant Professor Lee from Korea University visit CERE
In the end of May, Dr Hyounsuk Lee visited Umeå to initiate collaboration between his institute BK21 R&E Center for…
Visiting professor from Lewis & Clark College
Professor Moriah Bostian (Dr. Robert B. Pamplin Jr. Professor of Economics and Chair of Economics at Lewis & Clark College)…