The main purpose of the Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics is to provide a forum for the dissemination of high-quality research in environmental economics. Initiated in 1993, and the idea is to allow PhD students to present their work and interact with several leading researchers in the field. The conference is held at Ulvön (the Wolf Island) a small, attractive old fishing hamlet located along the high coast, about 500 km north of Stockholm.
The conference is usually held during the Swedish midsummer week Tuesday to Thursday and registration comes out in February/March each year. Information about upcoming conferences shows up on the front page with registration. If you want to have a look at some photos from previous conferences – visit the CERE Facebook page.
Ulvön keynote speakers
All keynote speakers at the Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics since 1993. Please note that the speaker’s affiliation is the one valid at the time of the talk, not necessarily the current one.
Keynotes Ulvön Environmental Conference 1993 – 2024
Vic Adamowicz, University of Alberta
Anna Alberini, University of Maryland
Amy Ando, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Geir Asheim, University of Oslo
Maximillian Auffhammer, UC Berkeley
Yuri Belyaev, Umeå University
Peter Berck†, UC Berkeley
Olvar Bergland, NMBU
Ted Bergstrom, UC Santa Barbara
Peter Bohm†, Stockholm University
Valentina Bosetti, Bocconi University
Dan Bromley, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Gardner Brown, University of Washington
Christa Brunnschweiler, NTNU
Erwin Bulte, Wageningen University
Chris Böhringer, ZEW, University of Oldenburg
Richard Carson, University of San Diego
Graciela Chichilnisky, Columbia University
Anne-Sophie Crepin, Beijer Institute
Maureen Cropper, The World Bank
Mikołaj Czajkowski, University of Warsaw
Partha Dasgupta, Cambridge University
Robert Deacon, UC Santa Barbara
Olivier Deschenes, UC Santa Barbara
Gunnar Eskeland, NHH
Rolf Färe, University of Oregon
Larry Goulder, Stanford University
Ing-Marie Gren, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Shawna Grosskopf, Oregon University
Michael Hanemann, UC Berkeley
Nick Hanley, University of Stirling
Glenn W. Harrison, University of South Carolina
John Hartwick, UBC, Canada,
John Hassler, Stockholm University
Geoffrey Heal, Columbia University
Michael Hoel, Oslo University
Astrid Kander, Lund University
Charles Kolstad, Stanford University
Cornelis van Kooten, University of Victoria
Bengt Kriström, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Snorre Kverndokk, Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research
Magnus Lindmark, Umeå University
Karl-Gustaf Löfgren†, University of Umeå
David Maddison, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Robert Mendelsohn, Yale University
Karl-Göran Mäler, Beijer Institute
Eric Nævdal, Frisch Centre
Jon Norberg, Stockholm University
Linda Nostbakken, Statistics Norway & NHH
Kaj Nyström, University of Umeå
David Maddison, University of Birmingham
Elinor Ostrom†, University of Indiana
Torsten Persson, Stockholm University
William Pizer, RFF
Steve Polasky, Oregon University
Paul Portney, RFF
Martin Quaas, University of Leipzig
Alan Randall, Ohio State University
Bo Ranneby, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Eirik Romstad, NMBU
Thomas Rutherford, University of Colorado
Agnar Sandmo, University of Bergen
Jason Shogren, University of Wyoming
Brent Sohngen, Ohio State University
David Starrett, Stanford University
Laura Taylor, GIT
Hirofumi Uzawa, Japan Development Bank
Rick Van der Ploeg, Oxford
Jeffrey Vincent, Harvard University
Hans Wallin, University of Umeå
Martin Weitzman†, Harvard University
Martin Whitby, University of Newcastle
Jim Wilen, UC Davis